Tag Archives: Dental Clinics

GROW Brings Hope Through Aid in Mexico


On many produce farms around the world, worker’s conditions are notoriously poor. But because of GROW’s commitment to the community and in keeping with its ideals of service and sustainability, GROW by Organics Unlimited has been able to change that by implementing a culture that advocates quality of life for its farming communities. For over 10 years, GROW has helmed various projects in Colima, a rural state on the west coast of Mexico. Continue reading

Support GROW, Affect Lives

GROW scholars

Because of our incredible customers, it is possible for children and young adults to receive an education they may have never had the opportunity to gain. By purchasing GROW bananas, you help underdeveloped communities learn beneficial health techniques that U.S. citizens take for granted. With GROW and your support, we can make great things happen.

Thanks to the GROW Fund, we have seen scholarship funding and health programs enrich the lives of others. Since its inception in 2005, GROW has seen 34 GROW Scholars in Mexico graduate from college! Seven of those 34 students graduated from the University of Colima this past month.  Continue reading