Tag Archives: Education

GROW Brings Hope Through Aid in Mexico


On many produce farms around the world, worker’s conditions are notoriously poor. But because of GROW’s commitment to the community and in keeping with its ideals of service and sustainability, GROW by Organics Unlimited has been able to change that by implementing a culture that advocates quality of life for its farming communities. For over 10 years, GROW has helmed various projects in Colima, a rural state on the west coast of Mexico. Continue reading

Appreciating the Work of Teachers and Project Amigo

Julieta helping a group of students at a homework club. Photos courtesy of GROW and Project Amigo.

In honor of Teacher Appreciation Day on Tuesday, May 5, we wanted to share more about the dedication and work of the Project Amigo staff. With the help of GROW donations, raised through the purchase of GROW organic bananas, Project Amigo is able to aid the rural families in Mexico that live near the banana plantations. Educational scholarships pay for school uniforms, textbooks and supplies for the youth, and homework clubs provide a safe and supportive environment for students to visit after school. At each homework club location, a Project Amigo staff member serves as a teacher and provides other assistance.

Project Amigo staff not only serve as tutors and administrators for each club location, but they are mentors to many of the youth; tutors like Jorge and Julieta are role models for Project Amigo students that also want to go on to college and give back to their own communities through their chosen professions. Continue reading